AGM 2023
The AGM and General Meeting was held on Saturday the 11th February with 31 in attendance at the Victoria Hotel Toodyay. This was followed by a dinner at the hotel.
2024 will mark 25 years since the Club started and plans to celebrate this will include a 2023 AGM at Dongara – where it all started! Loxley Fedec and Helen O’Neill will organise the publishing of a 2023 Calendar with selected photos to reflect on the last 25 years.
The Financial Reports were read out by Treasurer Di Turnock followed by discussions on the constitution. No constitution changes required.
Loxley to organise a QR Codeand get quotes for it to be printed on stickers, used on brochures etc, and anywhere else where we need to direct would-be donors to our Donations Landing page on our website. This should make it a lot easier than it currently is to donate to the Clubs charities. There will be separate buttons on that page for WA Club and ESB donations.
A discussion on UHF radios followed and it was decided for the WA Club at least that having a UHF radio would be compulsory for all vehicles on Trek (the ESB not required to since they have better mobile coverage).
It was decided that Honorary Members will be awarded a Certificate in recognition of their past service to the Club.
The Code of Conduct was discussed particularly in view of the increased use of Social Media. Our Facebook page and trekking Group will now have Rules in place and Admin to review Posts before being posted. Members were reminded to always ensure safe travel practices and to also ensure a safe, inclusive and friendly atmosphere at all times.