chamberlain Tractors
Trek 2012 – Four Deserts Trek
Trek 2004- Heading into Barn Hill
Bob and Chris taking a break heading into Barn Hill
4 Desert Trek 2012
4 Desert Trek 2012
There were tractors, back up vehicles and people joining and leaving on this trek as people had other commitments to attend to so couldn’t join the in the whole way through. It was a long way to go, the trek started in Southern Cross on 5th July and ended in Kalgoorlie on 11th September. This took in The Great Sandy, Little Sandy, Gibson and Great Victorian Deserts, so there were a wide variety of road conditions, weather and scenery along the way.
Several axles had to be repaired and 12 punctures from Broome before hitting the Great Central Road believe there were 3 more after that as well. Travelers along the way were very friendly and very kindly donating money to our collection tins for the RFDS.
Trekkers had a good time never the less, some very dirty, dusty tractors and caravans, campers by the time they got home.
Trek 2012 – Tasmania
Tasmania Trek 2012 Day 1
7th April Saturday
So far have travelled through Ambleside, Latrobe, Sheffield, Kimberley, Elizabeth to Red Hills. The Deloraine Apex Club put on a BBQ for us
Leaving c/park 4.30am Driving on freeway Waiting to board ferry Boarding ferry Axemans Hall of Fame Parading up the street Narrow one way bridges Lex’s, our tour leader Group photo at Red Hill
Day 2 8th April Sunday
Deloraine, Westbury where we went through Pearns Steamworld , Shaw Tractor Shed , travelled on to Longford.
Day 3 9th April Monday
Left vans behind so the boys could have some fun on the back roads with there tractors. We came across a broccoli farm where they will produce 4,000 tonnes at finish of harvest, off approx. 100 hectares. Travel via Cressy to Ross and the Midlands countryside. After leaving Ross we had a BBQ on Boyles farm, near Mt. Joy, we had been invited to there farm
Day 4 10th April Tuesday
Had a coach tour of Launceston Cataract Gorge, SwissVillage, Motor Museum and of course ladies do shopping.
Day 5 11th April Wednesday
Left Longford heading along West Tamar Highway to Becketts Mining and Civil Contractors, huge amount of machinery here. Then just up the road a sawmill in Exeter. Then onto Beaconsfield Gold and Mining Heritage Museum. Pulled into Goaty Hill Winery and very warmly welcomed. Onto Pipers River for the night, on another farm.
Day 6 12th April Thursday
This farm is a conglomerate owned by R.C.Rowlands. Saw potatoes being harvested on the farm and they are getting 20-23 ton a hectare. All taken to Olverston where they handle 350,000 ton from Jan to June. Leave Pipers River for Bridport, morning tea stop Bridport then onto Gladstone for lunch. Travel from Gladstone to Anson’s Bay then onto St Helen’s in caravan park. But on the way to Gladstone 22ks out had to put a head gasket in Well Bugger Me, the men looked like bees around a honey pot, in no time it was going again. But then Clearveiw had a fuel leak so all hands on deck again, by passed the original tank to spare one. So off we go finally. But Barrie Hall and Helen Taplin are having a steering problem which they thought they had corrected overnight.
Day 7 13th April Friday
Leave St Helen’s heading for the shops and Well Bugger Me has another fuel blockage and two men that had pulled up to have a look told us we had the muffler hanging down must have happened when they did the head gasket. So the guy said drive it out to my unit and he would weld it for us, very nice of them, so off again. But had 2 more fuel blockages but then went for hours without stopping. Called in to Brewery at White Cliffs Estate. Head south to Bicheno for lunch where the guys put a steering box in Barrie Hall and Helen’s tractor in a small park in the main street. Well we must have had the whole population of Bicheno watching them. Collected money in our collection tins as well. Change of plans now heading to Swansea for the night in caravan park.
Trek 2012 – Four Deserts Trek
Better get those tractors in good working order if going on this Trek as it is 70 days plus the time it takes you to get to starting point.
This Trek is going through Little Sandy Desert, Great Sandy Desert, Gibson Desert and Great Victoria Deserts.
Anyone wishing to go but not a member can join the club at